Group Activities Melbourne: Spread Fun and Positivity at Work

Group Activities Melbourne: Spread Fun and Positivity at Work

The past year has been challenging for everyone in your team. Some had to adopt a remote work arrangement, and others had to let go of some beloved tasks. There were no gatherings in the break room, no banter in the hallways, and no after-work hangouts for a while. Some team members inevitably feel a bit detached from others. 

Shane Perry, a small business loans consultant at Max Funding, believes in the importance of group activities. He explains, “Team building activities for groups can help restore the sense of camaraderie, trust, and positivity at work. With these, it will be more comfortable for team members to perform and excel together.”

Here’s your go-to list of fun group activities in Melbourne that are easy to organise, plan and execute:

Urban Quest

After months of quarantine, everybody’s craving for an outdoor experience. Now that restrictions have been eased, your team can participate in an exhilarating outdoor team event - an adventure around the Melbourne CBD! 

Urban Quest is a fierce outdoor competition that involves solving puzzles, cracking codes, and exploring the city of Melbourne - with each challenge it becomes slightly more challenging as the teams get closer to the trophy. It uses technology to ensure that social distancing will still be observed throughout the game. All participants will be connected through their devices, and the event's planning is aligned with the government's health protocols. 

Urban Quest is a top-rated group activity that kickstarts the players with purposefully designed physical and mental challenges. Just imagine it as a personalised version of The Amazing Race but in the beautiful city of Melbourne!

Urban Quest provides a range of activities for large groups and is experienced in team building group activities in Melbourne.

Group size: 10 and above (subject to social restrictions)

Time: 2-2.5 hours (including pre-event instructional session and post-event awards)

Mode: Provided by Urban Quest

Cost: from $40 per person

The Mind Field

This game can be performed during short breaks or after office hours because it only lasts for 15 to 30 minutes, perfect if you’re after short group activities. Simply find an open space, e.g., a park or an empty parking lot. You can also do this at the beach!

Scatter objects, such as balls and bottles, across space—the more disorganised, the more exciting.

Ask everyone to pair up. If possible, pair people up with members from different departments. One person should blindfold the other, then using verbal instructions only, a person without a blindfold should guide the other from one side of the space to the other. The blindfolded person must avoid the objects and is not allowed to speak.

The Mind Field is a game that focuses on effective communication and trust

Time: 15 to 30 minutes

Number of participants: 4 or more (as long as the numbers are even)

Mode: DIY

The Perfect Square

This group activity is competitive but in a less exhausting way. Ask your team members to form a circle while holding a piece of rope. Have them put on a blindfold, set the string on the ground, and walk away from the circle. Then, ask them to come back and form a square using the rope while on blindfolds. To make it more competitive, set a time limit.

Perfect Square improves leadership and communication skills. Team members will learn to trust each other when they rely on one another to navigate in the right direction.

Time: 15 to 30 minutes

Number of participants: 5 to 20 people

Tools needed: Blindfold for each participant and a long piece of rope.

Mode: DIY

Game of Possibilities (Charades)

This 5-minute team building activity is an excellent mental warm-up. Instruct your colleagues to form smaller groups. Give an object to one member of each group. That person should go in front and act out the object given to them. The rest of the members must guess what the object is. The actor is not allowed to speak. Choose wacky objects to inspire a bit more creativity.

Time: 5 to 6 minutes

Number of participants: 6 or more

Mode: DIY

The Egg Drop

This is one of the most engaging team building activities for groups that encourage problem-solving abilities and teamwork. Because this game is more fun when there are more participants, it is suitable for corporate team building events. Just make sure you have extra eggs because you’ll probably break a lot.

Split your workmates into teams of 3 to 5 people, and give each group an uncooked egg. Prepare some items in a pile. These may include newspapers, rubber bands, straws, pencils, etc. Each team must build a contraption from the items from that pile to prevent the uncooked egg from breaking when it drops. Drop an egg down each contraption from 6 feet up. The group with the egg that didn’t break wins!

Time: 1 to 2 hours

Number of participants: 4 and above

Tools needed: uncooked eggs and assorted disposable items.

Mode: DIY

Update (3/4/2024): After reviewing this article, and this activity in particular we, here at Urban Quest, unanimously agreed that we do not support unsustainable activities, which this one is. Use it at your own risk. 😀

Scavenger Hunt

This is one of the classic DIY group activities that guarantees fun no matter the group size. In a scavenger hunt, the team will be broken down into two or more groups. Stray away from typical tasks and make a list of silly ones. These may include taking a selfie with an animal, bringing the biggest shoe, etc.

Give the list to each team and set the deadline. Whichever team completes the most tasks, wins! You may also want to set a point system depending on the task difficulty.

Scavenger Hunt can be a great way to make team members work with colleagues from other departments or social circles. It’s a great, cost-effective and creative option when looking for group activities. 

Time: 1-2 hours

Tools needed: pen and paper

Mode: DIY

Update (3/4/2024): we know that creating a truly engaging experience is not an easy feat. That's why we exist as a business. If you want this activity to be run professionally and leave lasting memories instead of eye-rolls contact us.

Blind Drawing

When looking for group activities or the perfect corporate team building activity, you want to make sure everyone is interacting with each other and using a different part of the brain that they are not used to.

Ask everyone to pair up. Two participants should sit back-to-back. Give one person a picture and the other a pen and paper. One should trace an image of the chosen object on their team member's back while they in turn will try to recreate it on the back of the person in front of them. The person with the pen and paper should draw based only on the verbal description of the other. Choose quirky pictures to make it more fun.

Time: 10 to 15 minutes

Number of participants: 2 or more people

Tools needed: Pen, paper and pictures.

Mode: DIY

This is Better Than That

Choose four or more different objects or similar objects that look different from each other. Split the team into even numbers. Create a scenario where all the participants must use only the chosen objects to solve the problem. For example, “You’re stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere.” or “An alien species is invading Earth.” Ask each team to rank the objects based on their usefulness in the scenario and explain their reasoning.

This is a light team building game that inspires analysis and creativity. Just remember to make the scenarios challenging enough so that the participants can be truly challenged.

Time: 15 to 20 minutes

Number of participants: 2 or more

Tools needed: Four objects or more

Mode: DIY

Truth and Lies

Sometimes when looking for the perfect group activities, you need to look no further than the classics. Some schoolyard games or corporate icebreakers can be ideal activities for large groups in Melbourne.

Have everyone sit down in a circle. Each participant must share three things about them: two are facts, and one is a lie - in random order. Others have to guess which are the facts. A tip: encourage the participants to tell a lie in the most realistic way possible.

This is a good choice for group activities for small to medium-sized groups. It is recommended for new teams because it eliminates snap judgments about each other. It also gives members who are less sociable a chance to share facts about themselves and learn more about others.Time: 10 - 15 minutes

Number of Participants: four people or more

Mode: DIY

Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is one of the all-favourite team building group activities. In this game, everyone should form a circle with an empty bottle in the middle. One person will spin the bottle and when it stops, the person seated where the tip of the bottle points should choose between truth or dare.

If they choose the truth, the person who spun the bottle should ask a question. If they choose to dare, the person who turned the bottle will ask them to do something. The person choosing will be the next one to spin the bottle.

Before the game, it’s essential to set the limitations for truth or consequence. For example, all questions can be personal but shouldn’t include relationships, financial status, or any other sensitive information. The tasks may be limited to singing or dancing.

This is an effortless team building group game that can easily become hilarious if your team is up for it.

Time: 15 to 30 minutes

Number of participants:  5 or more

Tools: an empty bottle

Mode: DIY

Bottom line:

Team building is one of the most important investments you can make for your people. It may not be instantly apparent, but this activity can have significant benefits to your entire organisation. Group activities, in Melbourne or anywhere, are vital to keeping employees happy and engaged.

First, it loosens up everyone. The bloopers, the quirky challenges, and the physical work get rid of stress.

Second, it eliminates prejudices. The more your members get to know each other, the more comfortable they become working together in the same organisation - which can translate to increased productivity.

Third, it conveys a message that you’re determined to foster healthy relationships in the office. This can result in fewer absences, fewer conflicts, and less turnover.

If you’re unsure how to organise regular team building activities, contact Urban Quest

We offer emotionally charged team building group activities organised professionally.

Team Building vs. Team Outing: Is There A Difference?

Team Building vs. Team Outing: Is There A Difference?

With restrictions having been lifted in Melbourne, we can finally gather the co-workers for an out-of-office social activity. But what do you do for such an occasion?

Pubs and restaurants are back in full swing, but is now really the time for the same old boring workplace dinner and drinks? What are the benefits of a team building event in comparison to a team outing?

Impact of Team Building: Insights from Research and Real-life Experiences

There have been many studies into the level of productivity brought into a company by team building activities. In a 2009 article called ‘Does Team Building Work?’ the authors determined that “team building has a positive… effect across all team outcomes” and “that team building was most strongly related to affective and process outcomes”.

In the book Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance the author stresses that “team building activities… made a significant difference in the organisation’s performance.” While there is a vast amount of well-researched studies on the benefits of team building activities, the best proof is the evidence you see first-hand with your co-workers.

It can be difficult to discern if your event should be classified as a team building activity or a team outing – both can be fun, both can involve alcohol and both will require a budget no matter how big or small.

However, we believe a simple team outing can only be elevated to a team building event with the following key factors:

1. At the centre, there is a clear problem-solving element

A singular challenge or task the team must work together to overcome.

2. There’s a focus on skill development

The task requires teammates to use and develop abilities that they may or may not have been aware of.

3. Often under pressure

Whether there is a time limit, a number to score or another team to chase, this is a healthy added pressure to test your staff and prepare them when the going gets tough.

4. All workers are split into small teams

What better way to improve your team working skills than by letting you work directly with others? Find out who’s the natural leader and who’s the workhorse in small cooperative groups

5. BONUS: Teams are picked strategically for better results

Do you want the marketing team to associate better with the IT team or want the up-and-coming person from accounts to see how they mesh with the people from business development? All are encouraged within team building activities.

6. Overall duration shouldn't be too long or too short

Standard work drinks can drag on all night, and some other activities can be over in 15 minutes.

The ideal team building activity will run between 1-2 hours. Enough time to learn a new skill, form memories with teammates or accomplish a task without the event feeling like it’s dragging.

7. And finally, there are results

A team building event, unlike a social outing, should be able to give participants a complete idea of how they went, what they did well and what they can do better.

This gives you and your co-workers a great idea of their strengths and how to best utilise them within the company. A clear set of results also gives participants a clear goal to strive for at the next team building event and a clearer idea of how to accomplish it.

The Power of Team Building: Moving Beyond Social Outings Monotony

The effect of social outings on workplace unity has not been as thoroughly researched or studied. Anyone can understand the benefits of letting your hair down and trying to relax – but when does a social outing with your co-workers start to feel… pointless?

When no community goals are driving the team forward, a social out-of-work gathering can feel like the same monotonous cycle of pleasantries traded over the coffee station in the morning. 

A company-wide get-together certainly has its place and depending on the size of the tab, can be a cost-effective evening out with the team. However with the drastic life changes brought on by COVID-19, office morale is at an all-time low.

Hear some insights on the subject from Chris, one of the team events experts here at Urban Quest:

So to genuinely bring everyone back into the office and remind the team of how productive they’ve been in the past, look no further than a properly designed and organised team building event to bring the team back in style.

If you’re looking for the perfect team activity to bring the best out of your workers when they come out from behind the computer screens, look no further than Urban Quest.

Urban Quest’s fully interactive city-wide Amazing Race is the most fun and high-tech challenge-based team building activity in Melbourne.

For workplaces large and small, there’s no Melbourne team event better at encouraging unity and productivity in your team than an amazing race with Urban Quest.

The winning team at Urban Quest Team Building Melbourne


5 Key Benefits of Team Building Activities: Unlocking Immediate Success

5 Key Benefits of Team Building Activities: Unlocking Immediate Success

Is your team feeling disconnected and less productive lately?

Before considering drastic measures, like restructuring or replacing team members, consider a simpler solution: team building.

Team building activities offer a powerful way to reinvigorate your team, fostering camaraderie, motivation, and collaboration. By sharing experiences and working together towards common goals, teams can reap numerous benefits that translate into improved performance and a more positive work environment.

Here are five standout benefits your team can immediately gain from participating in professionally organised team building activities:

1. Confidence Building

Stepping out of comfort zones and overcoming challenges during team building activities boosts both individual and team confidence. Witnessing colleagues tackle obstacles instils trust in each other's abilities, leading to increased cooperation and productivity back in the office.

Team building activities provide an ideal environment for team members to challenge themselves and push beyond their comfort zones. Whether it's conquering a high ropes course, solving a complex puzzle, or participating in a role-playing exercise, these activities offer opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

As individuals overcome obstacles and achieve success, they gain a newfound sense of confidence in their abilities. This confidence not only boosts morale but also fosters a positive mindset that translates into the workplace. Moreover, witnessing their colleagues tackle challenges and support each other builds trust and mutual respect within the team, further enhancing confidence and cohesion. In essence, team building activities catalyse individual and collective empowerment, laying the foundation for a more resilient and self-assured team dynamic.

2. Role Reversal

Team building exercises often involve role-playing scenarios, allowing team members to step into different roles and gain new perspectives. This fosters empathy, understanding, and appreciation for each other's responsibilities, leading to less conflict and more effective collaboration in the workplace.

Couples counsellor Glen Munt explains why this is beneficial. He says “Role reversals allow people to experience someone else’s problems and pain points, rather than just observe and react to them. This can be confronting to enact in a professional work environment. So to use it in corporate team building is a creative and highly innovative way to grow trust and compassion.”

Gaining this perspective often results in more cooperation and less confrontation in the office.

3. Networking Opportunities

Team building activities go beyond mere camaraderie-building; they also serve as invaluable networking platforms within organisations. In many workplaces, employees from different departments or teams may rarely interact outside of their immediate circles.

However, team building activities provide a unique setting for individuals to break down silos and forge connections with colleagues they may not regularly encounter. Whether collaborating on a team challenge, strategising during a problem-solving activity, or simply engaging in casual conversation, participants have the chance to expand their professional networks and cultivate new relationships.

These connections can lead to enhanced communication, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing across departments, ultimately strengthening the overall fabric of the organization. Moreover, by fostering a culture of inclusivity and interconnectedness, team building activities create a sense of belonging and unity among employees, bolstering morale and organisational cohesion.

Thus, investing in team building not only facilitates individual growth but also cultivates a robust and interconnected workforce capable of tackling challenges and achieving collective success.

4. Fostering Team Spirit

Building a strong sense of team spirit is essential for cultivating a positive and cohesive work environment. Team building activities play a crucial role in fostering this spirit by bringing employees together to work towards common goals and objectives. Through collaborative tasks, problem-solving challenges, and group-oriented games, team members learn to rely on each other's strengths, support one another, and celebrate collective achievements. These activities create opportunities for individuals to bond over shared experiences, build trust, and develop a deeper understanding of each other's capabilities and perspectives.

Furthermore, team building activities often emphasise the importance of communication, cooperation, and mutual respect, all of which are fundamental elements of a strong team dynamic. By encouraging open dialogue, active listening, and constructive feedback, these activities promote a culture of inclusivity, collaboration, and support within the team.

Moreover, team building activities can help instil a sense of pride and belonging among team members, as they come together to overcome challenges and achieve common objectives. Whether it's completing a challenging task, winning a group competition, or simply enjoying each other's company, these shared experiences create lasting memories and bonds that extend beyond the workplace.

Ultimately, by fostering team spirit through team building activities, organizations can create a positive and supportive work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to work together towards shared goals. This sense of unity and camaraderie not only boosts morale and employee satisfaction but also enhances productivity, creativity, and overall organisational success.

5. Enhancing Teamwork

Ultimately, the goal of team building activities is to improve teamwork and collaboration. As team members develop trust, communication, and mutual respect, they become more effective at working together towards common objectives, leading to greater productivity and job satisfaction.

Investing in team building activities is investing in the future success of your company. By prioritising team cohesion and morale, organisations can create a positive and productive work environment that drives long-term success.

Ready to boost your team's motivation and energy?

Contact Urban Quest to learn more about our tailored team building solutions!

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